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Mini Tummy Tuck

Tone Your Stomach With A Mini Tummy Tuck

The term “mini” has become increasingly popular to describe a procedure that offers impressive results without much need for downtime. The abdominoplasty, commonly called a tummy tuck, can definitely help flatten and tone your stomach for a more attractive appearance.

woman after tummy tuck in houston

What's the Difference Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and A Full Tummy Tuck?

A full tummy tuck is a more extensive procedure that requires significantly more downtime than a mini tummy tuck in Houston. A conventional tummy tuck procedure is performed for the removal of excess skin and fat under the belly button and over the pubic area.

The scar that results from a conventional tummy tuck will typically run from hip bone to hip bone. The surgeon would attempt to conceal the scar by placing the incision as close as possible to the pubic area.

The surgeon removes a large area of fat and skin. The remaining tissue is tightened up and pulled down, meeting the pubic area tissue. The surgeon would then sew the abdominal muscles together, narrowing the patient’s waist. They would then sew the incision closed.

The Mini Tummy Tuck

In contrast to a standard tummy tuck, the mini tummy tuck eliminates some of the steps involved with the conventional procedure. This is done to minimize scars, recovery time, or procedure expense.

An example of removing one step from the conventional tummy tuck procedure would be undergoing a mini tummy tuck that does not involve abdominal muscle tightening. If you have not experienced abdominal muscle stretching, there is no need to tighten these muscles.

By leaving out this portion of the process, your surgeon can dramatically shorten your recovery time.

When getting your mini tummy tuck in Houston, many times the belly button will not require relocation through a flap in the abdominal tissue By allowing your belly button to remain attached to this flap, your surgeon allows for the removal of tissue with minimal dissection. This means that you will experience less discomfort, and your recovery will be shorter than with a conventional tummy tuck procedure.

Best Candidates

You may make a good candidate for a mini tummy tuck if you are currently at a normal weight, have little to no abdominal muscle stretching, and have a sufficiently long trunk.

It is important to understand that a mini tummy tuck is not for correcting large areas of fat. Instead, it helps those who are already close to their target weight but need some help with small fat pockets around the abdominal area.

If getting pregnant is a possibility in your future, you may want to wait before undergoing a mini tummy tuck in Houston. This will ensure that your results are not impacted by your pregnancy.

Since the focus of a mini tummy tuck is the lower abdomen, it is not ideal for those with significant fat or excess skin around their entire midsection. The mini tummy tuck is for those who need some excess skin or fat removed due to pregnancy, liposuction procedures, or weight fluctuations.

woman after tummy tuck in Houston

Mini Tummy Tuck FAQ

Below are some frequently asked questions about the mini tummy tuck procedure:

Is Getting A Mini Tummy Tuck Painful?

The procedure itself is not painful, as you will be under general anesthesia and will not feel anything. Most patients have little to no postoperative pain. In most cases, over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient to maintain your comfort after your procedure.

What Will My Scar Look Like?

To perform your mini tummy tuck in Houston, your surgeon will create a small incision on your lower abdomen. They will take care to place the incision in a less prominent position so that it is almost invisible once you have fully healed.

How Long Will It Take Me To Recover From My Mini Tummy Tuck?

Recovering from a mini tummy tuck is normally fast and straightforward, as no extensive incisions are required. You should be back to your normal routine after six weeks. Avoid lifting heavy objects and vigorous physical activity while you are recovering.

Schedule Your Consultation

Would you like more information about the mini tummy tuck procedure? If so, or if you would like to go ahead and schedule a mini tummy tuck consultation, please contact the office of Dr. Cameron Erickson today.

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