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Breast Fat Grafting

Your breasts are one of your most feminine and alluring features, so it’s no wonder you want them to look their best. Unfortunately, time and gravity can take their toll, leading to a loss of volume and definition. If you’re not ready for implants, there is another option that can help you achieve your desired look – breast fat grafting in Houston.

Elevate Your Natural Contours

Over time, your breasts lose volume because of weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and aging. Even if you’re not affected by the ravages of time, it’s possible that you’re simply dissatisfied with the size of your natural breasts. But breast fat grafting helps you achieve fuller breasts, even if you’re not prepared for implants. Unlike implants, which are inserted under the breast tissue, breast fat grafting uses your own body fat to enhance your breasts.

woman after breast fat grafting in houston

What is Breast Fat Grafting?

Breast fat grafting is a technique in which fat is removed from one area of the body using liposuction and then injected into the breast to improve its shape and size. The fat is harvested from the abdomen, thighs, or flanks, so it can also slim down other parts of the body. This procedure can increase the size of the breast, restore volume, and even out asymmetry. Dr. Erickson’s breast fat grafting in Houston is a natural form of augmentation because it relies on fat cells drawn from your body.

Dr. Erickson’s Breast Fat Grafting Technique

Dr. Erickson performs personalized breast fat grafting under local anesthesia with sedation at his accredited surgical facility. During your breast fat grafting surgery, a small incision is made in the donor area, which is usually the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. Through this incision, a small cannula is inserted and used to suction out excess fat. The fat is then purified and injected into the breasts through small incisions made around the areola.

The amount of fat that can be safely injected into the breast will depend on the overall size of the breast, the amount of existing breast tissue, and the desired final size. In general, patients can expect to achieve an increase of one cup size with fat grafting. However, it is important to note that fat grafting is not a definitive breast augmentation solution and may require additional procedures down the road.

Goals of Breast Fat Grafting:

  • Improving the shape and size of the breasts
  • Restoring breast volume after weight loss or childbirth
  • Making the breasts look fuller
  • Contouring or slimming another part of the body — abdomen, thighs, hips, etc
  • Improving the overall contours of your body
woman after breast fat grafting in houston

Recovery After Breast Fat Grafting

You will likely experience some swelling and bruising in the donor and recipient areas, but this should subside within a few weeks. You can resume most of your daily activities within a few days, but avoid strenuous workouts for 4 weeks. The results of your breast fat grafting in Houston will be long-lasting but not permanent. It is possible that you may need additional breast fat grafting procedures down the road to maintain your desired results.

woman after breast fat grafting in houston

Benefits of Breast Fat Grafting:

  • Minimal scarring around the breasts
  • Completely natural and autologous treatment
  • No risk of allergic reactions
  • Negligible risk of infections
  • No implant-related complications, such as displacement, rippling, or contracture
  • Contours and slims down the donor site, such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks

Consult Dr. Erickson

Dr. Cameron Erickson is a highly-acclaimed and reputable plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgeries. He has a stellar track record with aesthetic surgeries because he truly listens to his patients’s concerns and goals to curate personalized treatments. He understands that everyone is unique and has unique expectations, so he goes the extra mile to ensure your results conform to your anatomy and goals. Please schedule an appointment to explore your options for breast fat grafting in Houston.

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Houston, Texas 77027

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