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Breast Augmentation

Your breasts are an important part of your femininity, so understandably, you want them to look their best. If you are unhappy with the size or contours of your breasts, we offer breast augmentation in Houston that may be right for you.

The Erickson Difference

Dr. Cameron Erickson is a highly-acclaimed plastic surgeon specializing in breast surgeries. Breast augmentation is a highly personalized procedure that demands active communication and collaboration between the patient and surgeon. You have numerous options for breast augmentation techniques, implant materials, implant size, placement, and other factors. Instead of offering a cookie-cutter treatment plan, Dr. Erickson informs you about your options and helps you make an educated decision for your treatment, ensuring results that conform to your goals.

woman after breast augmentation in houston

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves the placement of breast implants to increase the size, fullness, and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation can be performed for several reasons, such as to improve the proportions of the body, to restore breast volume that has been lost due to weight loss or pregnancy, or to achieve a more youthful appearance. For expert breast augmentation in Houston, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation at our practice today!

Types of Breast Implants

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are a breast implant option made out of silicone gel, which makes them look and feel more natural than saline implants. Silicone implants also imitate the natural texture of actual breasts. They are also more likely to retain their shape, even if there’s a leak inside. You won’t notice wrinkles or creases on the surface of your breast. However, since a leak isn’t obvious on the outside, women with silicone implants must get regular MRIs.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are made of a sterile salt water solution, so they don’t look or feel as natural as real breast tissues. Saline implants are more likely to produce a visible wrinkle on the breast’s surface if the implant ruptures. But if there’s a leak, the salt water solution will be easily absorbed by the body, so you don’t need regular MRIs. Saline implant placement also requires smaller incisions.

Goals of Breast Augmentation:

  • Improving the shape and size of the breasts
  • Restoring breast volume after weight loss or childbirth
  • Making the breasts look fuller
  • Improving the overall contours of your body
woman after breast augmentation in houston

Dr. Erickson’s Breast Augmentation Technique

Dr. Erickson offers personalized breast augmentation in Houston after thoroughly evaluating your anatomy, goals, and requirements. During your consultation, he carefully examines the size of your breasts, asks about your goals, and recommends the right implant material, size, and texture for you. The choice of implant type depends on numerous factors, including your preferences and body type. After selecting the appropriate implant, Dr. Erickson will also select the appropriate incision style and the location for implant placement.

Your breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia at our accredited surgical facility. After administering anesthesia, the surgeon will make an incision. The incision for breast augmentations can be made in several places. Dr. Erickson will make his recommendations for the incision site based on the type of implant used and the patient’s personal preferences.

After the incision, a pocket will be created for the implant. The pocket can be placed underneath the pectoralis muscle (submuscular pocket) or directly behind the breast tissue (subglandular pocket). Subglandular placement involves less downtime because it doesn’t involve manipulating the chest muscle, but it’s only suitable for some patients. Submuscular placement may involve a longer downtime, but it’s safer in the long run and may be more suitable for women with smaller natural breasts.

Once the pocket has been created, the implants will be inserted and centered underneath the nipple. The incisions will be closed with sutures, and the breasts will be wrapped in gauze. A surgical bra will be placed to support the breasts as they heal. The entire procedure may take 1 to 2 hours, depending on your specific goals.

Recovery After Breast Augmentation

The most common side effects of breast implants are pain, swelling, and bruising. These should all be resolved within a few weeks. You may also have some numbness around the incision site. This is usually temporary and will resolve on its own. You must get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activity, such as lifting heavy objects, for four to six weeks.

Most people take one to two weeks off from work after surgery. However, if your job involves heavy lifting, you may need to take four to six weeks off. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions carefully. You’ll likely need to take antibiotics for a week or two to prevent infection. You’ll also need to wear a surgical bra for four to six weeks.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

Below are some frequently asked questions about the breast augmentation procedure:

What is a breast augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a surgical procedure where implants are used to increase the size and enhance the shape of the breasts.

How is a breast augmentation performed?

Breast augmentations are a procedure performed under anesthesia where an implant is inserted in the chest area. There are multiple ways the implant can be inserted which can vary depending on the patient and the size of the implant.

What is the recovery time for breast augmentation?

The recovery time for breast augmentations can vary from patient to patient, but typically within 1-2 weeks light activity can be resumed. In the initial 1-2 weeks, patients should plan for avoiding any strenuous activity.

What are the potential risks and complications of breast augmentation?

All surgery comes with potential risks or complications. Dr. Erickson will review these in detail prior to undergoing your procedure.

Is there noticeable scarring after a breast augmentation?

The incision made during this procedure will present a scar, but the location and size of the incision will vary depending on the patient and the size of the implant. Dr. Erickson always aims for minimal scarring by placing the incision in a location that is more easily concealed.

How long will the results of breast augmentation last?

Breast augmentation results are generally long-lasting. The results of this procedure will depend on the patient’s age and lifestyle as well as the type of implant chosen.

Can breast augmentation be combined with other procedures?

Yes, most times a breast augmentation can be combined with other procedures such as a breast lift or a tummy tuck. That said, this varies from patient to patient and Dr. Erickson will work together with you at your consultation to discuss these options.

How much does breast augmentation cost?

The cost of breast augmentation varies from patient to patient. We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Erickson to first determine that you are a candidate as well as make selections on implant type and size. From there, we can determine the pricing for your breast augmentation procedure.

Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation?

Dr. Erickson will determine at your consultation if you are a good candidate for this procedure. Most are good candidates as long as they are in overall health and have realistic expectations.

Consult Dr. Erickson

Dr. Cameron Erickson is a highly-acclaimed plastic surgeon specializing in breast augmentation and other breast surgeries. He ensures his patients feel safe and comfortable through every step of the process. To that end, he offers his personal number to his surgical patients, thus maintaining a direct line of communication. If you want to elevate your contours and are looking into breast augmentation in Houston, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Erickson today.

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Houston, Texas 77027

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